Project Description

Francesco & Claudia Arco
In November of 2007, Francesco and his wife Claudia, along with 3 other missionary families, moved to Genova to preach the Gospel and bring people to Jesus. They first began with prayer meetings while also feeling called to reach out and serve their neighbors in their community. So in 2011 they founded an outreach ministry called “Mani del Maestro” (Hands of the Master) to help provide for those in need in Genova. Through this ministry they have been able to bring the Gospel to one of the most needy neighborhoods in the city of Genova, along with food and clothing. They have had the privilege to share the Gospel with literally hundreds of people through being the hands and feet of Jesus.
Gradually the church they set out to plant began to form, called Incontro con Gesù. Francesco is a gifted preacher and has a true shepherds heart. He pastors with much grace and joy in Jesus, even in the midst of various trials over the last few years. The Lord continues to bless their faithfulness and ministry. To learn more about how God is working through their ministry Mani del Maestro, visit their website,