Project Description

Dan & Angela Wiens
Since 2013 Dan and Angela have committed their lives to helping free those who are trapped in pornography and sex addictions. They founded the organization Liberati in Cristo (which means “freed in Christ”) not just to help men with these addictions, but also their wives who are walking this difficult road with them so as to help bring healing to broken marriages. As they speak from the heart with humility and grace from their own experiences, their ministry has helped free many from the bondages of sex addiction and pornography, showing them Christ in the process.
They have established support groups all across Italy and provide classes, counseling, and weekly meetings for those they are helping. They also speak at churches and conferences to educate others on the need for transparency and authenticity in our church families so as to encourage those who feel too ashamed of their addictions to seek help.
To learn more about Dan and Angela’s ministry visit their website at (only offered in Italian). You can also email Dan to request to be added to their prayer updates (in English).